Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sweatin' with the Oldies

I know - usually it is Sweatin' to the Oldies, and often that is the case at my gym. But it is always the case that I am sweatin' with the oldies. Every day I pray that none of the really really old people at the gym have a medical emergency while I'm there - otherwise it would be up to me and Dave the bike guy to save them. Dave is not a doctor or nurse (at least I'm pretty sure he isn't) and I am not confident about our combined skills - though I am officially certified by the American Heart Association, and Good Samaritan laws are on my side. I'd rather stick to knowing that Good Samaritan laws are on my side, and let my Hubs do the lifesaving. Tell the truth though, he's always worried about the same thing in the gym. Seriously, the average age is around 70.

The good news is that my quivering arms were only mildly sore this morning, though my tush is sore too from those leg presses. All in all - a good recovery considering how sore I was yesterday.

Today was Tuesday bike day. I was running late and feeling sluggish - so nothing fancy today. A simple 28 min steady-state stint on the bike at level 4 and cruising around 90 +/- rpm. I checked my heart rate around 18 minutes and it was at a 151 (according to the really old bike hand-held devices that I'm not sure I trust). I had a good sweat going though, and my breathing was nice and relaxed and steady with talking being easy - so I'm guessing 151 was about right. The workout itself gets a 7.5 out of 10, but it was way too short.

I think that the inevitable has arrived. I am going to have to start getting up earlier. I am not satisfied by these 30 minute sessions. So, I think the alarm is getting set for 5:30 a.m. or I could get everything ready tonight. When it comes down to it, I would rather just get up earlier - so I guess that's the way it goes. Maybe one day I'll be organized enough to not run around like a chicken with its head cut off every single morning. But I'm guessing this triathlon will be long over before I accomplish that goal.


Unknown said...

Keep it up Liz!!

EAB said...

Thanks Anson! It is going well - I am happy with my progress and am excited to keep at it. Hope you are doing well!