Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ugly Socks

So today's title has nothing to do with my training. It has to do with the really ugly socks that I currently have on my feet. I needed new dress socks of the tan/brown variety for work. I bought these at Target last night and they looked fine. Well it turns out that they are exceedingly ugly in daylight. Such an ugly color! I'm not what you would call a fashionista (people who really know me are laughing at the thought of that right now) but seriously, this is even too ugly for me. But my feet are cold and the shoes are a no-go without socks, and that all means that I am stuck with distractingly ugly socks all day.

Knee update = sore. Yesterday I forgot to take all of my doses of ibuprofen and I could tell. My knee was definitely hurting more by the end of the day yesterday and this morning. It is feeling better now that I have resumed the ibuprofen, but it is still tired and uncomfortable. At least there has not been any significant sharp pain since Saturday.

Today's Workout:

I forgot to set my alarm last night before I went to bed and somehow this morning I woke up late but still early enough to sneak to the gym. I am proud of myself for not throwing in the towel when I overslept and still making something happen.

Back in the pool again today because of the knee. Finally it felt like a good cardio workout today and it was enjoyable. I give the workout a 8 out of 10. I could have pushed harder, but still pleased over-all.

Today was the first time I have done a 1/2 mile swim without stopping. (The triathlon swim is 1/2 mile = 800 meters). It went really well. I had an elevated heart rate when I was done, but I was not panting or anywhere close to exhausted. In fact, I really just felt warmed-up - as if I could actually go bike.

It took me less than 25 minutes to do the swim today, which I think is good for the first full trip. I don't have an exact time for a couple of reasons: 1. when I started I didn't know that I was going to swim a full 1/2 miles but I ended up feeling good so I just kept swimming, 2. by now you should all know I can't count, which means I'm not positive that was actually 36 laps, but it was pretty close.

Based on my swim today, I think that I might be able to get my swim time under 20 minutes by August and that would be great. Because then I am pretty sure that I could be in the 20-25 minute range in open water. Overall, training is going well, even if it has been slightly derailed by my stupid knee.

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