Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Old Pants

For the last week, Hubs has been down in Tennessee training in the warmer weather. He still competitively rows and it is still too cold to get in good training on the water up here, especially because the ice keeps coming back. Anyway, he got home last night and we caught up on how training has been going for both of us, instead of posting to this lovely blog.

Yesterday, I worked-out after work again. I had been out of town over the weekend and didn't come back until the morning - going straight to work. I certainly don't like lifting at night, because it leaves me way too tired for my morning workout the next day. That aside, I did get a good lift in yesterday. Now that I have brought up some of my weights, especially for my legs, I can keep my heart rate up better during my lifting sessions. Overall I give the workout an 8 out of 10 for a couple reasons - first and foremost, I went even though I had no desire to go after work. Also, I pushed pretty hard. Not a higher rating though because I let myself out of core workouts. This seriously is my greatest weakness.

Workout on Monday:

5 min warm-up on treadmill at 3.5 speed and 2.5/3.0 incline

3 x 10 leg press - 160

3 x 10 single leg calf-raises

3 x 10 leg extensions - 70

3 x 10 DB bench press - 15, 15, 20

3 x 10 leg curls - 70

3 x 10 bent-over rows - 15

3 x 10 DB military press - 10
3 x 10 DB bicep curls - 10

2 x 10 crunches on ball; and then 2 x 10 arm to knee on ball

This morning I hit the gym - about 13 hours after my lifting session. I was tired, but not too bad. Once I got moving, I felt better. Overall, I think my heart rate was over 160 for the whole workout and the workout felt good. I give it a 7 out of 10. Eventually, it will need to be for longer periods of time and at higher resistance levels. For now, I was pleased that it almost seemed to be too easy.

Total time 30 minutes.

Pyramid Workout -

3 minutes at level 4, rpm approx. 78/79
2 minutes at level 6, rpm approx 83/84
1 minute at level 8, rpm approx 87/88
2 minutes at level 6, rpm approx 83/84
repeat 2 more times and end with 3 minutes at level 4, rpm approx 78/79 (though it was higher).

3 minutes cool down.

PS - I wore pants today that I haven't been able to wear in a year! That makes me happy.

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