Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

I don't know what is going on, but I have been exhausted all week. I have lots of theories - the time change, going to bed too late, the new earlier bedtime, the longer, more intense workouts, or a food/vitamin deficiency. In all likelihood, I suspect that it is a combination thereof. No matter what the cause is, I am tired. Very tired. So tired that I should be in bed rather than sitting here writing this. I'm definitely looking forward to swimming in the morning. I think I will try to take it fairly easy and stretch out the body. Hopefully the water is not too hot tomorrow. I can't handle that.

All the tiredness aside, I got in a great workout this morning. The early mornings (aided by my awesome dawn simulator that I got for Christmas) have been paying off with getting to the gym earlier. This morning I had plenty of time to get in a long workout so I decided to take advantage. I purposely decided to go at a slower pace so that I could sustain a longer workout. I am proud of myself for going over the 30 minute mark - it is always hard for me mentally on cardio workouts.

Overall I give it an 8.5 out of 10. My knee felt good. My heart rate and breathing was steady. I am pretty happy. I am just trying to be patient and not push too hard on the pace side so that I don't cause any over-use injuries. Only big problem was that I definitely got dehydrated and felt crappy for the rest of the day. So even though I am giving the workout itself a high rating, it deserves a 2 out 10 for managing my body's needs.

Workout - Total Duration: 55 minutes

This description is not going to be very descriptive because between being tired and getting fuzzy-headed due to dehydration, I don't really remember specifics at this point in time.

Minutes 1 to 6: warm-up walking
Minutes 7 to 10: 5.0
Minutes 10 to 15: 5.1
Minutes 15 to 20: 5.2
Minutes 20 to 30: 5.3
Minutes 30 to 40: 5.4
Minutes 40 to 45: cool down

Then 10 minutes of stretching and ab exercises.

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