Friday, March 6, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

My swim today stunk - to put it nicely. I think I've mentioned that they keep the water warm for the PT patients and the older gym members who exercise/chat at the pool. Well today the water was literally 89 degrees. I did around 20 laps - over a 1/4 mile - when I had to stop because I thought I was going to throw-up. It was so hot, especially with a swim cap on - it just traps the heat. I couldn't even keep count of how many laps I was doing because I was so hot. Most of the time you forget that you sweat when you are swimming. Well not today - it was miserable. So then I did around 200 yards of arms only. Then did some kick work - both breaststroke and free style. (Breaststroke is my favorite and really my best.) Then around 5 minutes of treading water, and some leg exercises. Total workout - 30 minutes. I'd give it a 5 out of 10. The whole experience was miserable and the workout was mediocre at best. I was moving so slow because it was so hot.

I want to stick with this membership until I move, but if the water continues to be this warm I'm going to have to join the city pool in addition. It isn't that expensive, but we are desperately trying to save money because we are thinking purchasing our first home once we move out East. But seriously, I can't swim in that water. It's insanely hot. Plus, I don't want to get used to swimming in that warm of water when the river that I'll be swimming in is going to be around 80 degrees, which is a huge difference. The city pool might be necessary.

PS - Does anyone (assuming someone reads this other than me and Hubs and my lovely sister) have good lifting exercises specifically focused on arms for swimming freestyle? I've noticed that my arms definitely tire more quickly than my legs. Obviously, I want to build up my strength for the swim portion of the triathlon, but I also am afraid that my arms are going to be exhausted when trying to support my body on the bike.

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