Monday, March 23, 2009

Stupid Knee

My knee is stupid. Period. And I am mad at it. Really mad. It doesn't seem fair that I have always gotten hurt while pursuing athletic endeavors. It just makes me grumpy.

So - here's the problem. Last spring I did something during a bike ride, or soon thereafter, to my left knee. I completely rested (ie: was lazy) for a long time and it seemed to be doing better. Then when I started working out again this past fall, I gradually eased into working out and it seemed to be fine. Then about two months ago / whenever I started blogging, I started running to train for this triathlon and I started wearing a knee brace. In the last week or so, the soreness in my knee seemed to increase, but I thought I was going to be fine as long as I kept wearing my knee brace for running and biking.

Friday I skipped a workout because I travelled down South to visit my wonderful family. I am mildly mad at myself for skipping a workout but oh well. I figured that I would go on a bike ride with my mom on Saturday and all would be fine. Well, Saturday mom didn't feel well and no bike ride. Instead I played with my baby cousin and hung out with all my family. All was well until it wasn't. I haven't no idea what happened, but by Saturday evening my knee was screaming with pain. Stairs were the worst part about it. I iced it and took some ibuprofen on the advice of Dr. Hubs. Since then, I have been on a round-the-clock ibuprofen regimen. I took the bike out on Sunday with my mom because I wanted to teach how to use her new bike and I'm stubborn. I wore the knee brace and I was fine initially, but by the end of our very very short ride, I knew that I needed to stop. There is definitely pain on that down-push motion that is used on the bike or stairs.

So I am going to stick with the pool and ibuprofen this week. Hopefully the inflammation will decrease and I will be able to move passed this without a major detour.


Last Thursday I lifted, but to be honest I don't really remember what I did. Pretty standard I guess.

This morning - Monday.

35 min swim. I could feel the soreness and discomfort in my knee but no significant pain. I swam gingerly today out of fear of hurting my knee more.

10 laps freestyle
10 laps freestyle arms
10 laps freestyle kick
5 laps freestyle

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