Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Less Stupid Knee

So last night my knee was definitely sore and tired. Uncomfortable is probably the best word to describe it. This morning, much more comfortable. I swam again this morning and probably will again tomorrow. I feel like I am getting a decent workout swimming (though not high enough heart rate) and it seems to be helping the knee some. This very moment my knee feels almost good. I have a feeling it will get tired later, but maybe I'll get lucky.

I was supposed to pick up my bike yesterday which I was really excited about, but due to my stupid knee I delayed pick up until next Wednesday. I hope that by then my knee will be feeling better and that I will be able to get in a long test ride on the weekend of April 3-4th.

This morning I pulled out my old swim gear that I picked up when I went home this past weekend. It was nice to have it. I think that fins really help you remember what a good freestyle kick is supposed to feel like regarding the correct and natural motion. I also think that the paddles will really help me build up some arm strength.

I did a little longer kick session this morning with the fins to workout the legs a little harder because I haven't been doing any leg lifting or training. I was pleased with the variety it brought to the workout and I will continue to incorporate different tools.

Also, the other day (before the knee pain) I saw an article about deep water running while injured. Unfortunately I only glanced at the article but I remembered a couple things: 1. use a flotation belt, 2. make fists with your hands, 3. something about not over-exaggerating. I decided to give it a try this morning. I need to find the article to see if it gives hints on technique. I'll try to post it here later. Anyway - I think it could be a decent workout.

Workout - total duration 40 min

10 laps freestyle swim
5 laps freestyle kick with fins on stomach
10 laps freestyle kick with fins rotating sides - one arm on board, one at side
5 laps freestyle kick with fins on stomach
10 laps freestyle arms with paddles and pull-buoy
10 mins water jogging with belt
stretching legs

Hopefully I'll have time later to give a knee update.

** Update **

I am 5 hours post-workout and the knee is feeling good. Very little soreness, but it and the lower end of my quad muscle is feeling tired. I have taken two doses of ibuprofen today and have two more to go. I definitely think the combination of "treatments" is working.

Also, here is the link for the deep water running article. I don't think the pool that I workout in is technically deep enough, but I'll probably try it a little more. Surely it can't hurt.

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