Friday, February 20, 2009

How do you forget things you love?

I found my goggles this morning! They were with my swim suit and goggles, but I just missed them in my hurry last night. Remember how, in college, your mom told you that nothing good happens after midnight. Well, these days, nothing good happens after 10pm - my brain shuts down and anything I do is too rushed. So when I was digging through the drawer last night, I simply missed the goggles. After a great night sleep, I methodically looked through the drawer and found them.

Because it is cleaning day at work, I can wear jeans today and for some reason I was able to get out the door faster this morning. So I arrived at the gym early and got in a great swim. I forget how much I love swimming. It was my first love in life - particularly in the world of physical activity. Thanks mom for signing me up for swim lessons every summer until I was 10. Actually, when I think about it, I've spent most of my summers, until recently, in the pool. Either at lessons and playing when I was little, or lifeguarding and teaching lessons when I was in high school and college. I swam on the various teams, some summer league and two years in high school. I was never very fast, but I really enjoyed it. All of these memories were brought back simply by getting in the pool this morning for the first time in around two years. There is something oddly comforting about squeezing into a swimsuit, smooshing my head into a silicone cap, and getting rings around my eyes with the suctions on my goggles. How do I always forget how much I love swimming - I never forget how much I hate the treadmill!

So - my first workout in the pool consisted of 10 minutes swimming freestyle (with some stops), 10 minutes freestyle kick with a kickboard, and 10 more minutes swimming freestyle. Nothing hard - simply getting re-acquainted with the water. The girl I talked to yesterday was right, the pool is a decent length, though definitely shorter than a standard pool. They have a conversion chart on the wall, but I'm not sure that it is right. I need to get out a calculator and figure out how many laps I'm going to have to do in order to equal a half mile. All in all - I give the workout an 8 out of 10 - not because it was a great cardio workout but because I left feeling happy, my muscles felt good, and it was a decent workout.

Oh! and my knee feels good today. Maybe that knee brace did work. No pain at all, especially after the swim. That also makes me happy! and its Friday!

I haven't been working out on the weekends and I don't plan to for another month or two, so have a good weekend!

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