Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Ash Wednesday!

I've mentioned that I need to figure out nutrition a little bit better, and today seems like as good a day as any to think it out because it is Ash Wednesday. I know you are not supposed to use Lent merely as a dieting tool - I get it. And for years, that was my excuse for doing nothing for Lent because my biggest self-restraint issues deal with food. Well, I am going to use Lent this year to teach myself some self-restraint with food.

See, my problem is that I am a closet-eater. I can't believe that I am admitting this publicly, because it is something that really embarasses me, but I need to deal with it, so there it is. By "closet-eater," I mean that I sneak food. As in, if no one sees me eat it, then it doesn't count. I even sneak food around Hubs. If he doesn't see me eat the extra cookie or two, then I obviously didn't eat them. Obviously, this is not a healthy way to eat and I certainly don't want it to get out of control. My other problem is that I have a hard time stopping eating if I really enjoy the food, especially sweets. All of these problems lead to over-eating, especially when I am using food for comfort - food problem number three, if we are keeping count.

My goal in the next 40 days is to be more honest with myself regarding food. No sneaking food - not at work or at home or anywhere in between. Also, I want to regulate my consumption of sweets better. So, no sweets except for Sundays (that's a Catholic way around the rules!) and my mom's birthday - and no trading days for Sunday (that's another work-around!). This rule will not be a permanent lifestyle change, but I think it will teach me that I can resist eating sweets. Lastly, I am not going to eat out at lunch time. This is something I have become much, much better at, but I still do every once and a while. By not eating out at lunch, I will know what is in the food that I am eating and it will be better for me (and my wallet!).

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