Friday, February 27, 2009

Not so bad

I tried going to the pool little later this week than I did last week, but next week I'll be returning to the earlier time. The pool gets too crowded with pool exercisers/chatters at the later time. They are a lovely group of old ladies and men, but it is just a bit much - though I feel super fast next to barely moving swimmers and people walking/floating with noodles. Hopefully next week the pool won't be as hot. It feels like bath water, which all the little old ladies and PT patients like, but it gets hot.

This morning I spent 30 minutes in the pool and I was pleased - I am not going to die on the swim portion after all. This is only my second time in the pool since I have started swimming and the times are acceptable to me. I did about a 1/4 mile (18 laps) of freestyle in about 10-12 minutes (I am not exactly sure what time I started). Then I did 9 laps of freestyle kick with kickboard and 9 laps of freestyle with pull-buoy in less than 15 minutes. So in a little over 20 minutes, I did a .5 mile including kick/and arms-only. Then I threw in another 6 laps of freestyle and played around a bit - for a grand total of 30 minutes.

I need to remind myself that this pool is an easy pool because I am doing twice as many turns (well I don't do actual flip turns, but the wall is there), but I really try not to push off at all.

All in all - I give it a 7 out of 10. I definitely could have worked harder, but it felt good.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Huff and Puff

Thursdays currently are my running day. Hopefully, there won't be too many more Thursday posts that can aptly be named Huff and Puff. As I've mentioned before, I hate treadmills. I actually don't mind running outside, though I've never been fast or had much endurance. But treadmills seem so much harder. I definitely have a much harder time finding a comfortable stride - I don't know if seasoned pros have a trick to this, or if it just comes with practice. I do find though that if I put the pace up higher than I think I want it, then the stride is easier. Maybe running on a treadmill will become easier when I develop the cardio ability to run at a faster pace on the treadmill and therefore am able to lengthen my stride a bit. I suppose I can hope.

The other reason that I think running on a treadmill is harder is because I don't naturally slow down when I get tired, as I would if I were running outside. Instead, the treadmill keeps moving at the same pace, causing me to keep moving at that pace even though I'm tired.

The good news from my workout today is that my knee brace seems to be the key to happier running. Last week, I had residual pain in my leg after running, but I think it was just my leg getting used to the brace. This morning it felt good the whole time I was running and even after I was done. Oh! and the other "good" knee felt fine while running today - so I guess I just tweeked it or something yesterday.

So, after getting a late start this morning - I always try to do too much in the mornings - I ended up squeezing in a 30 min workout anyway. I worked really hard and for that I give the workout a 8 out of 10. I wish the workout was easier given what I did, but I worked hard and stuck with the whole 30 minutes even though I was running late.

By May, when my training program starts, I want to be running 3 miles at a 10 min pace, or faster. I have easily done this in the past, but it is going to take a while to build back up to it. I do think my lifting is helping though, my legs weren't as tired this week as they were last week.


approx. 5 min warm-up at 3.5 -- walked .2 miles

Brought up speed to a 5.0 (over an 11 min mile). I sorta forget now, but after about 10 minutes (after one mile), I had brought the speed up to 5.5 (around 10:50 mile). Then, during the second mile, I took it up one beat every .2 miles, and I finished out the last .2 at a 6.1 (a 9:50 mile).

Then I did around a 4 min cool-down.

total time - 30 min
total running distance - 2.0 miles
total running time - 21:06 min.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Workout Update

Today was a lifting day, and I am much more pleased with how it went than I was on Monday. I think a big difference was that I did some weighted step-ups at the beginning and that really got my heart rate going and helped it stay up during the lifting session, at least the first half.

Only concern is that I had some pain in my right knee (that's the other knee). Hope I just tweaked something and it isn't anything in the long run.

Over-all, I'd give this workout a 7.5 out of 10. I still need to keep my heart-rate up a little better, maybe do more super-sets.

5 min warm-up at 3.5 on treadmill.

walking lunges - I stopped short here - this is where my knee started hurting.

3 x 20 (10 per leg) - DB weighted step-ups using 4 blocks - 12, 12, 12

3 x 10 leg press - 150, 150, 150 - maybe increase weight next week

3 x 10 leg curls - 60, 60, 60

3 x 10 double calf raises - my legs were too tired from step-ups to do single-leg

3 x 10 incline DB bench press - 15, 15, 15

3 x 10 lat pull-down - 50, 50, 50

crunches on stability ball

Total time: approx 40 min

After looking at this workout - I need to get some variety and some upper-body exercises, and definitely more core strength exercises incorporated. This is going to mean longer sessions.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

I've mentioned that I need to figure out nutrition a little bit better, and today seems like as good a day as any to think it out because it is Ash Wednesday. I know you are not supposed to use Lent merely as a dieting tool - I get it. And for years, that was my excuse for doing nothing for Lent because my biggest self-restraint issues deal with food. Well, I am going to use Lent this year to teach myself some self-restraint with food.

See, my problem is that I am a closet-eater. I can't believe that I am admitting this publicly, because it is something that really embarasses me, but I need to deal with it, so there it is. By "closet-eater," I mean that I sneak food. As in, if no one sees me eat it, then it doesn't count. I even sneak food around Hubs. If he doesn't see me eat the extra cookie or two, then I obviously didn't eat them. Obviously, this is not a healthy way to eat and I certainly don't want it to get out of control. My other problem is that I have a hard time stopping eating if I really enjoy the food, especially sweets. All of these problems lead to over-eating, especially when I am using food for comfort - food problem number three, if we are keeping count.

My goal in the next 40 days is to be more honest with myself regarding food. No sneaking food - not at work or at home or anywhere in between. Also, I want to regulate my consumption of sweets better. So, no sweets except for Sundays (that's a Catholic way around the rules!) and my mom's birthday - and no trading days for Sunday (that's another work-around!). This rule will not be a permanent lifestyle change, but I think it will teach me that I can resist eating sweets. Lastly, I am not going to eat out at lunch time. This is something I have become much, much better at, but I still do every once and a while. By not eating out at lunch, I will know what is in the food that I am eating and it will be better for me (and my wallet!).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Free food for tired legs

Every Tuesday we have an attorneys' meeting at work during lunch. And every Tuesday someone (if not me) complains about what was ordered for lunch. And every Tuesday the sweet girl who orders the food asks me if everyone liked the lunch and often I am forced to tell white lies so that I don't hurt her feelings, because obviously not everyone is always going to be happy. I suppose it is evidence that I haven't fully left the student world and entered into the adult world, because free food always makes me happy and I won't complain. Plus, I know that the girl that orders it tries so hard to find food that everyone will enjoy. Well, today everyone enjoyed the food. It was delicious! In fact, it is a good thing that it was a meeting and not a food-fest, because you would have had to roll me home. There was this delicious salad with raspberries, blueberries, mandarin oranges, and nuts and blue cheese, with a raspberry dressing. Yummy wraps - even if my chicken wrap was a bit too spicy for me - and some creamy tomato basil soup that I could have eaten twice as much of. I suppose this is why I have gained weight over the last few years - I love yummy food and I certainly lack self-control unless in the presence of others.

Today though, the food felt like a perfect reward for my tough workout this morning, even if it was more calories than I should have consumed. I really need to start figuring out the nutrition aspect of my training, but I'll get to that eventually I suppose.

Tuesday is bike day and I give the workout a 9 out of 10. I worked hard, sweated a lot, and got my heart rate really going. My legs were tired afterward and I felt good. Eventually I want to get this workout up to 3 sets of 40/20s.

5 min warm-up at Level 3

10 x 30 sec on - 30 sec off. (30 sec on at Level 9, approx. 103 rpm; 30 sec off at Level 7, approx. 53 rpm)

2 min rest off bike

repeat of 10 x 30 sec on - 30 sec off

5 min cool-down at Level 3

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting Beefy

After a very nice weekend, it was time to get back to the weekday routine. Today is Hubs birthday, which means I had some extra things to do today. This month he starts at 6am, so I mumbled Happy Birthday to him as he left and slept a few more minutes. Then, at 6:10am, I was out of bed and on my way.

My morning routine usually consists of: climb out of bed, brush my teeth and put in my contacts, throw on workout clothes, find and iron clothes for work, grab yogurt, a granola bar, and cereal for work, and then dash out the door. I like to be out the door before 7am, but it often is a bit more like 7:15. I know that I should be able to get out the door in 15 minutes - I used to be able to in college before morning practices, but the work clothes thing always throws me off or I play on the internet. Then I have to be working out by 7:45 to get in a 30 minute workout, because by 8:15am I need to be back in the locker room. I know - I don't give myself much wiggle room. Then by 8:45am I need to be out the door to squeak into work by 9:00am. Every morning feels highly choreographed without a minute to spare. I need to start getting up earlier or getting my stuff ready at night or both, but I'm just not there yet. My gym closes at 6pm. That means working out after I get off work at 5p is equally difficult and I much prefer to get my workout in before my day starts. Otherwise, I often find that it just doesn't happen. Anyway, sooner rather than later, I am going to have to adjust my timing because I am already feeling the need to get in longer workouts.

Monday mornings are lifting days, as are Wednesdays. Usually I find that I have no desire to workout on Mondays after having the weekend off, and lifting is my reward because I really enjoy lifting. But the surprise this morning was that for the first time in a long time, I was definitely looking forward to hitting the gym. I think I might have almost missed it!

I want to continue lifting twice a week, but I need to get at least one more cardio workout in and eventually I'll need to get in two more cardio sessions in a week. That means I have to make a choice between one of 3 options: 1) get up early and do a long session, 2) work out on the weekend, 3) go to the gym both before and after work. For now I am leaning toward option number 1. I am not ready to work out 6 days a week yet, and I think I would get too annoyed/tired by going twice a day, at least this early in the game. I'll tackle this issue next week, I think.

As mentioned, I love lifting sessions. At one point in time, I was fairly strong - never bulky though. I have since lost all of it, and it is a slow process working back towards my previous strength levels. Also, it is an adjustment because the last time I really lifted was in college, with teammates in a university gym and structured plans. Now, I am lifting in a much more limited environment. There are plenty of dumbbells to use, but no bars or free-weight racks. Everything else is just machines. Actually I am finding though that the machines work well because I am by myself with no one to spot me, plus I feel a little more protected. No complaints so far - it seems to be working.

So without further ado, my workout:

5 minute warm-up on treadmill at 3.5

3 x 10 leg press - 140, 150, 150 (I am up from 120 a few weeks ago, and next session will do all at 150)

3 x 10 calf raises - both legs (these are getting easier - need to move to single leg)

3 x 10 leg curl - 50, 60, 60 (definitely can do all 60)

3 x 10 DB bench press - 15, 15, 15 (this was too easy, but 20 for all 3 is probably too much)

2 x 12 DB bent-over rows - 15 (too easy - but watch for ribs feelings - sometime I'll discuss my myriad of rowing injuries)

3 x 10 DB military press - 10
3 x 10 bicep curls - 10

30 x 10 tricep - 12, 15, 15 (definitely could do all at 15)

2 x 30sec bridges on stability ball - with ball at knees

3 x 20 alternating supermans on stability ball

3 x 20 alternating knee raises seated on stability ball

3 x 20 crunches on stability ball

Total time - 40 minutes.

Overall I give this workout a 5.5 out of 10. I don't feel like I pushed hard enough, and my heart rate was low. I'll have to up my pace on Wednesday and maybe do a job before-hand.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Deceitful, Sneaky Liars or Poor Mathematicians

Believe me - I am not one to make fun of anyone's math skills. There is a reason I went to law school instead of medical school. I don't like math. I still remember crying in second and third grade because I was not good at those timed math tests that we've all suffered through. So, normally I would never make fun of someone's poor math skills, and even now I won't do it. But I swear that I hope whoever made the pool lap mileage conversion chart at my gym is worse at math than I am, instead of a deceitful, sneaky, mean-spirited, hope-dasher. Because now I have to be a hope-dasher of my fellow swimmer at the pool. She believes the chart. I was skeptical. I double-checked, and the news isn't good.

When I was swimming on Friday, I thought to myself - this pool seems short. I mean, I knew it was short, but it seemed shorter than the girl suggested and shorter than the conversion chart suggested. I can't do math in my head - not of the conversion variety. Ok, I can't really do much math at all in my head. So, I swam my laps hopeful that the news wouldn't be terrible when I double-checked the chart. But honestly, I kept looking at that hypnotic black line on the bottom of the pool. I kept thinking about how many times I was breathing per lap and the number of strokes I was taking. I would pause at the end of the pool and look to the other end. It seemed like it was about half of the distance. Ever-hopeful, I thought that maybe I wasn't remembering right, or maybe that the last pool I swam in a couple years ago was a longer pool.

However, reality set in when I put my superior math skills to use by making Google convert the measurements for me. The pool is 37 feet and 3 inches in length. The pool conversion chart suggested that you would need to do 35.5 laps to swim a half-mile. Well, technically this is correct now that I think about it. Unfortunately, it means down and back equals one lap, rather than simply down the length of the pool. Otherwise, if you are just counting one length as a lap, you need 70-71 laps to reach a half-mile.

Perhaps, the person who made the chart was neither deceitful and sneaky nor a poor mathematician. Maybe the person was actually a swimmer. Even though most people say that a "lap" is one length down the pool, often many swimmers call this a "link." Then swimmers define a "lap" as an entire trip down and back the length of the pool.

Regardless of the conversion chart-maker's status as a liar, poor mathematician, or swimmer, I am going to be turning around a whole lot. So much that I am going to get dizzy, especially once I get back into swimming-shape. I suppose eventually I am going to have to start going to a different pool. Until then, I have to break the news to my fellow lap swimmer that she is about half as fast as she thought she was. Now I am the hope-dasher.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How do you forget things you love?

I found my goggles this morning! They were with my swim suit and goggles, but I just missed them in my hurry last night. Remember how, in college, your mom told you that nothing good happens after midnight. Well, these days, nothing good happens after 10pm - my brain shuts down and anything I do is too rushed. So when I was digging through the drawer last night, I simply missed the goggles. After a great night sleep, I methodically looked through the drawer and found them.

Because it is cleaning day at work, I can wear jeans today and for some reason I was able to get out the door faster this morning. So I arrived at the gym early and got in a great swim. I forget how much I love swimming. It was my first love in life - particularly in the world of physical activity. Thanks mom for signing me up for swim lessons every summer until I was 10. Actually, when I think about it, I've spent most of my summers, until recently, in the pool. Either at lessons and playing when I was little, or lifeguarding and teaching lessons when I was in high school and college. I swam on the various teams, some summer league and two years in high school. I was never very fast, but I really enjoyed it. All of these memories were brought back simply by getting in the pool this morning for the first time in around two years. There is something oddly comforting about squeezing into a swimsuit, smooshing my head into a silicone cap, and getting rings around my eyes with the suctions on my goggles. How do I always forget how much I love swimming - I never forget how much I hate the treadmill!

So - my first workout in the pool consisted of 10 minutes swimming freestyle (with some stops), 10 minutes freestyle kick with a kickboard, and 10 more minutes swimming freestyle. Nothing hard - simply getting re-acquainted with the water. The girl I talked to yesterday was right, the pool is a decent length, though definitely shorter than a standard pool. They have a conversion chart on the wall, but I'm not sure that it is right. I need to get out a calculator and figure out how many laps I'm going to have to do in order to equal a half mile. All in all - I give the workout an 8 out of 10 - not because it was a great cardio workout but because I left feeling happy, my muscles felt good, and it was a decent workout.

Oh! and my knee feels good today. Maybe that knee brace did work. No pain at all, especially after the swim. That also makes me happy! and its Friday!

I haven't been working out on the weekends and I don't plan to for another month or two, so have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Infinite Wisdom

I wonder where, in my infinite wisdom, I hid my goggles. I found the swimsuit and swim cap, but why would I have put my goggles with them. If I can't quickly find them in the morning - no swim tomorrow morning, which is a real bummer because I thought it would be a great break for my knee. Plus, I am getting excited about getting back into the water. Grrr . . . where did I put them?!?

I want a new car

It's been relatively warm recently and yesterday it spent the day raining. Then it turned to snow, and that froze over-night. Well, my 17-yr-old car doors have a lovely habit of freezing during the winter, particularly under circumstances like these. This morning I went out to my car when I was on my way to the gym and work, and of course the doors were frozen shut. Because I have become accustomed to this lovely habit, it only took me a couple minutes to pry the door open, even with my arms full of gyms bags, work clothes and briefcase. I was on my way. I stopped at Walgreens when it opened at 7am on my way to pick up a new knee brace for running (more on that in a minute). Then I was really on my way, but I arrived at the gym a little later than normal - only to be harassed for being late by Dave the bike guy and Bruce the beefy lifter.

I jump on the treadmill with my awesome new knee brace and felt great, until I remembered that I hate running on a treadmill. It always stinks. Oh, and that awesome new knee brace, well I'm not so sure. I am trying the knee brace because after a long (well long for me) bike ride last spring my knee started hurting. I think I probably slightly tore something, and it took forever to feel better. In October when I started working out again, I went slowly to rebuild strength and it has felt pretty good, but it still gets sore and arthritic feeling while/after I run. I thought the knee brace would give stability to my knee and protect it while I run, thereby, preventing pain. Well, that's sort of what happened. I felt better and more confident while I was running, though there was definitely some soreness. But all day long my lower quad muscle, near my knee (or whatever muscle that is) has been super sore - not limping sore - but sore. Luckily though, the joint itself feels ok - I think that's luckily!

So I managed to squeeze in 2 miles in a little over 20 minutes before I had to go get ready so that I wouldn't be late for work. The run itself felt really good, surprisingly. I did the first 15 minutes at a 5.0 on the treadmill, which is a little under a 12 minute mile. Then I decided to take it up one beat per minute (except I forgot a couple times because I was watching the Today Show). I finished my two miles at a 5.7. All in all, except for the fact that it was a short workout and my knee is sore, I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10 rating.

Now here is where my day got fun, and why I want a new car. I get ready, out to my car and I have just enough time to get to work and be on time. Except that my lovely 17 yr-old-car driver's side door decided that it didn't feel like closing. After trying to be McGyver with a screwdriver, I called AAA because Hubs was working and phone-less (its broken) and Hubs' Dad (our go-to guy for mechanical issues) was probably at work and not answering his phone, and my Dad (also a go-to guy for mechanical issues) was probably asleep because he works night-shift. So AAA it was. Then I waited over 2 hours (instead of the 1 hour that I was quoted) for the tow truck. Only to have the tow truck guy tease me, and then fix the door with a screwdriver in 30 seconds. At least he taught me how to do it, so that next time I should be able to do it myself.

Off to work (three hours late) I went. Only to get an email from Hubs saying that his car needs to be jumped b/c the lights on our 13 yr-old car didn't turn off like they are supposed to when you turn off the car.

So need lots of new tires - some on a new car and some on a new bike!

The good news is that I talked to a girl at the gym today that said the pool is visually deceptive and actually a lot closer to Olympic-standard than it looks. I think I'll try to get in a swim tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And so the ramblings begin . . .

I guess the best place to begin is at the beginning. Here's some background on me, how I ended up signing up for my first triathlon, and why I am taking the time to share my stories.

I recently graduated from law school. For the first time in my life, I am not a student. And for the first time in the last three years, I feel like my life is pretty normal. Prior to entering law school, I went to a wonderful university in the Midwest, had the most amazing experience, and rowed my heart out for four years as part of the women's varsity crew team. Before heading to college, I had never considered myself an athlete. In fact, I didn't even start rowing until college. Even while training and competing at the collegiate level, I really only considered myself an athlete in the rowing world. I still say that the only reason I was good at rowing was because there was no ball involved and I got to sit on my tush.

Then I got married, relocated to a big city, and started law school. The being married part was wonderful. I grew to love the big city, but I can't say the same for law school. It was the toughest three years of my life. I was academically challenged (to say the least), constantly worried I had made the wrong choice, and totally stressed. So I stopped working out except for random month long spurts at the gym, sat in the library or at a computer for hours, drank too many fancy espresso drinks, ate too many sweets, and gain around 20+ pounds. I ate for comfort to ease my stress and worries, only to find myself more discouraged.

Then after graduation and passing the bar in July 2008, I eased into my new life as a semi-working attorney (I'll get into that some other time). Finally, my life was more relaxed and happier. But physical activity was the one thing missing, and the extra pounds that were sticking around were proof. Then about a month ago, while I was having a pity party for myself about my weight, my wonderful husband (who I will simply call Hubs), convinced me to sign up for the triathlon that I have been talking about doing for the last few years.

So, now I find myself signed up for a sprint distance triathlon that is part of the Danskin triathlon series in August. This blog is mostly a self-serving effort to track my progress and for me to be able to look back on after I have finished the six months of training that lie ahead. Hopefully, I will be able to share my stories, workouts, nutrition, struggles, and golden nuggets of information that I learn along the way.