Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So far so good

Well, day 2 of the official training plan has arrived and my first two workouts were great. I was always good at doing my homework growing up, and having a training plan is kinda like doing homework. If you tell me that I'm supposed to do it and that I'll be able to pass the "test" because of doing it, then sign me up. I'll do it. I follow the rules. Basically, I'm a nerd. But once again, being a nerd is helping me get where I want to go.

Yesterday I hit the pool for my first official workout. These workouts are definitely longer than the ones I've been doing, but I think I have enough base work to keep up with them. Before hitting the pool, I did some strength training: 1 set of 12 reps of leg press (160 lbs), leg curls (50 lbs), leg extensions (50 lbs), and single-leg calf raises. I was supposed to do planks, but I forgot. Opps!! Then I jumped in the pool and I did a 10 minute warm-up alternating between 100 yd freestyle and 100 yd breastroke. I did about 300 yd total (remember I can't keep count of laps, which means they are always going to be approximate). Then I did 10 minutes of kick, alternating again between 100 yd freestyle and 100 yd about 100 yd breastroke. Total it was about 250 yd of kick. Then I was supposed to do 20 minutes of freestyle, stopping as needed. Although I technically could have have swam for 20 minutes straight without needing to stop, I took a 30 sec break every 5 minutes. I was able to squeeze in about 750 yds into the 20 minutes. Then I did a 5 min cool down of random stuff (ie: no specific stroke). Total duration: 45 minutes.

Today was a running day. Definitely a more intense running workout than I've done in a very long time. I'm tired now, and definitely ticked that the new kind of instant oatmeal that I brought to work with me is so disgusting that I wouldn't feed it to my dog, if I had one. So hungry. Total duration of active time 46 minutes. First I did a 5 minute walk/jog. I was supposed to incorporate pylometrics into this, but 1) not really sure what they are, 2) pretty sure I would looking like a super big dork doing them, 3) do not think it is possible on the treadmill without risking life or limb. I ended the jog around a 4.7. Then I climbed off and stretched the legs for just a few minutes. Then back on the treadmill. I was supposed to do 30-45 minutes of fartleks. Definitely not ready for 45 minutes, so I stuck with the 30 minute session, plus I didn't have time for 45 minutes. I picked 4.7 as a base running pace. This is was lower than a pace that I would pick for steady state running, but I figured it would be a good recovery rate. Then I kept upping the speed until I was huffing and puffing. Usually I would get up to about a 6.5 or 6.7 over about 5 to 7 minutes and then I would head back down to the 4.7 to recover. Overall I was pleased with how it went, and how well my knee held up. Oh - I have been trying to do all my treadmill running at a 1.0 incline, b/c I've read that 0 incline is actually easier than running outside, and that 1.0 incline is more like outside conditions.

Note on knee: I think that my knee hurts more when I am not adequately warmed up or when my knee gets cold during a workout, especially if it is rainy. Not sure if this is true, but I am positive the cold doesn't help it.

UPDATE - I just looked at the training schedule. Today's running workout was supposed to be "low" intensity. Running is never a low intensity workout for me - at least not in years. Power walking is low intensity. Maybe by the time the triathlon arrives I'll be able to run (not just walk) for 30 min and call it low intensity, but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Big E said...

Hmmmm, maybe jogging before running???

Think of you everytime I'm in that stupid spinning class. Position 3 is doing nice things for my butt though.