Friday, May 8, 2009

Life Happens

Last night Hubs and I had a great night out together. We just did some shopping - for my bike and for our new home that we are still in the process of purchasing. Hubs came and met me when I got off work and we left one of our cars in the lot at work. Unfortunately, we forgot to pick up the car on the way home last night, which meant that I was without a car for the gym this morning. So even though I popped out of bed this morning after a good night of sleep and put on my swimsuit - I wasn't going to be doing any swimming. When I remembered that I had no car and was going to be taking the train to work - I simply did some simple stretching for a while. It felt good, even if it wasn't really a workout.

In other news - the Statute of Liberty is re-opening on the 4th of July! I'd like to think it is a little present to me for moving out to the East coast. I have always been totally enamored by the Statue of Liberty and I can't wait to go see her again!

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