Sunday, April 19, 2009

I heart my bike.

So, Thursday I didn't end up going for a workout after work. I looked at the weather and told myself that a long outdoor bike ride on Saturday would be much more productive (and I was right!)

Friday morning I went to the pool. I actually didn't end up swimming though. The water was waaaay to hot for lap swimming. So I just did some water aerobics and talked to Cindy the pool lady. It was enjoyable and relaxing, even if it wasn't the most taxing workout. Then I spent the rest of the day full of anxiety about our house purchase. The inspection overall went well, but there is one major potential plumbing issue. It really made me anxious - as in - high blood pressure, might throw-up anxious. I am better now, but Friday was not a pleasant day. So the Hubs and I went out to dinner on Friday night, discussed life, the house and the move and I felt much better.

Then yesterday - my bike. My lovely, wonderful bike. It was beautiful outside, and the sun was shining. So much so that my face is a bit burnt today. It still was a bit cool/cold when I started out biking because I wasn't appropriately dressed, but by halfway through my ride I was fine. I ended up doing about 13 miles along the Lakefront path. It was pretty busy, which means you can't go fast the whole time, but I finished up my ride (including a stop at the turn around and a quick phone call) in about 1 hr 20 minutes. Pretty good. Plus, I forgot my knee brace. I was a little worried at first, but there was no pain at all. I think that is just how perfect my bike fits me. My bike just makes me smile.

On that note though, mechanical issues with my bike do not make me smile. I admittedly know nothing about bikes or maintenance. In fact I almost walked my bike to the bike shop before riding yesterday because the brake was sticking (due to having to shove it in the car - I really need a bike rack). Luckily, Antonio - Hubs' rowing buddy - was around and knows a lot about bikes. He saved the day and made a super easy fix. I think I am going to offer to make him dinner in exchange for Bike Maintenance 101. It will make me feel a lot more confident.

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