Monday, April 20, 2009

Balance between flexibility and routine.

First - my knee has no pain - that is 2 days post-bike ride. That makes me super happy. Beyond super happy. Yay!

Ok - now onto - Finding the balance.

I am a person who tends to thrive on routine and planning. That doesn't mean that I'd don't like spontaneity, but it does mean that I am more productive and efficient when I have a routine. When I have a routine and a weekly plan for working out, meaning it is Lifting Monday or Biking Tuesday, then I tend to be more consistent in working out and my life feels comfortable. Unfortunately, my life has not recently allowed for routine. The home buying process, getting Hubs ready for elite level racing, working, cleaning the house for people staying with us, and etc has made my life unpredictable. Some mornings I have to get up and review our purchase contract instead of going to the gym. Other mornings, I have to run to the medical school bookstore to pick up a book for Hubs who is studying for a Board exam that he has to take next week. Tomorrow I am going to come into work early so that I can go to watch Riverdance with Hubs' mom tomorrow night. Listing these things out makes me tired alone, and it definitely makes me realize that I need to allow for flexibility in my life.

Now that it is getting nicer outside, I think that I want to move my off-days to weekdays so that I can get in longer workouts outside on the weekend, especially on my bike. This is going to be a learning process and take discipline to make this transition because I do enjoy not have "responsibilities" like work and working out on the weekend. So anyway, it looks like today and tomorrow are going to be my off-days this week. That means I'll need to get my workouts in every day for the rest of the week, or double-up one day. I guess we'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed!

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