Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting back in a routine

It is unbelievable how going out of town or changing up a day's normal activities can really screw with a routine. The other thing that is unbelievable is how much I depend on having a routine, especially in the morning. I am trying to settle back into my morning motions, which include working out, but I'll be honest, it is a struggle. Hopefully after a couple more days I'll be back into it.

This morning I arrived at the gym later than I had been going, but early enough to do a 30 minute workout. I figure that it is about time to stop the second lifting workout each week, so instead, I jumped on the treadmill. I guess that I need to reassign activities to new days so that they are appropriately spaced.

Today's workout was ok. Nothing special, but at least I went, which is super important to the whole routine thing. I give it a 5 out of 10. I felt out of shape. I didn't push too hard, and I was only half-way engaged.

Total duration: 33 minutes
All at 1.0 incline

5 min at 3.0
5 min at 5.0
5 min at 3.5
5 min at 5.2
5 min at 3.7
5 min at 5.4
3 min cool-down.

Yawn - it was just as boring typing as it was doing it.

I need to get re-excited about about this triathlon. I had been so excited about the bike and my workouts, and then my knee happened (which is still annoying me). And now the house stuff is going on. It's not that I'm giving myself excuses, but I'm just not feeling the enthusiasm at the moment. Hopefully, it will reappear when I get back into my routine and start seeing some fitness gains again.

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