Monday, May 18, 2009

Workouts and Visitors

This weekend I successfully stuck to my training plan even though we had guests in town the whole weekend. I can't believe it. Next weekend will be tougher though because my mom and sister will be in town, but I'll try again! Hubs' brother and his girlfriend were in town - we had a great town and caught a fun baseball game and chilled. Definitely a great weekend with beautiful weather.

Saturday I woke up before anyone else and used it as my chance to get in my workout. I have found that I really try to stick within an hour or so of my normal sleep routine on the weekends. It really helps keep my mind and body in a better place. Anyway - I was supposed to do a 45 minute "tempo" run. A tempo run was described as 75% of my max. Well I can't run 75% for 45 minutes - just not in good enough shape to do that. So instead I did a 45 min run at about 60% max. In other words I was jogging. I went really slow, but I did 45 min which is a longer duration than I've run since I started training. By the end of the run, my right knee (ie: my good knee) was sore. Luckily, with my right knee, which has been acting up, there has not been any residual pain. So it just hurts when I work out, and then its fine. My left knee, snuggly secured by its brace, was fine for the whole run. I think I need new sneakers and the knees might do better. Overall I was happy with the run - plus it was perfect running weather. OH! but my shorts are getting too big - which is a good thing. I use my favorite amphipod running pouch when I run, and it was pulling down my shorts the whole time because it was too heavy. Usually this is not a problem - but I guess this is what happens when you lose weight and your shorts get loose! Totally obnoxious but I'm not complaining!

Then Sunday, after the visitors left, I headed down to the lakefront with Hubs to workout. He went rowing and I took my bike. I was supposed to 60 minutes, but arrived back to my starting place in 48 min. I could have kept going but decided to be lazy and quit. I had a great ride - about 10 miles in 48 minutes - except that I was definitely cold. I was dressed ok while I was riding, but had no extra layers to put on after my ride and my hands were freezing. It was probably in the mid 50s and windy.

This morning I hit the pool. I was supposed to lift with legs in addition, but didn't have time. Not going to worry about it! Or maybe I'll do it tomorrow if I have time. Here's the workout: 10 min warm-up - freestyle and breastroke. 25 min drills with fins (this is totally boring, but still my heart rate is decent). 4 x 25 yd sprints with 30 sec rest (I do them in about 25 sec). Then 5 min cool down. Decent workout.

Still haven't figured out the pool/food thing. This morning I tried a whole clif bar. Not so great. I wasn't queasy this time, but I still didn't feel great. I'm thinking that Clif bars might be better for afternoon workouts when I've already allowed my stomach to digest other foods. They may just be a bit too complex for my stomach in the morning. I've always liked them in the past, but I guess I've never eaten them in the mornings. In the past (ie: back in my rowing days) I've always just had a plain granola bar or toast in the morning before workouts - guess that might be better. So - in the future I'll be sticking with granola bars in the morning and using Clif bars (which are my favorites amongst the protein bars) for afternoon workouts.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Bleh - the weather, my workout, the traffic. All of it. What a cruddy day. The weather is absolutely miserable and I am already dreading my commute home from work.

Last night I stayed up way past my bedtime doing a "guests are coming to stay" clean-up. So the apartment is definitely cleaner, if not clean. Then I had to get up earlier than normal because I knew I had a long workout this morning - it included by strength training and swimming. Strength training today consisted of core muscle work, which I always hate because I may have the weakest core muscles on this planet. That took about 20 minutes because I flew through it - it really should have taken around 30+. Then I jumped in the pool. It was supposed to be a 60 min swim including the warm-up and cool down, but about 40 minutes into I started to feel super queasy. I think that I was just hungry and the swim drills that I was doing were making me a bit dizzy (they involved a bunch of twisting in the water). I had to quit because I really did not want to have to tell the old man at the desk that I had puked in the pool. I figured 40 minutes was good, even if it wasn't the whole workout. I guess I need to figure out something better to eat before swimming because I always get hungry when I swim. I usually eat nothing at all before I work out, but as my volume and duration increases, I am going to have to eat something. This morning I ate half of a clif bar. I don't know if that made me queasy or if I should have eaten the other half too in order to stave off the hunger. This whole process really is going to involve a lot of trial and error.

Here's the workout:

Core Muscle Strengthening - actually maybe instead of describing the workouts I'll post a link with the pictures. Anyway - this portion of my workout involved trying to figure out how to do the exercises with really weak muscles and modify them so that I could do them.


5 min - freestyle warm-up
15 min - balance drills with fins
15 min - extension drills with fins
10 min - stroke drills without fins

Then I was supposed to do 5 more minutes of stroke drills, 5 min freestyle swim, 5 min cool-down of non-freestyle

To be perfectly, these drills seemed like a waste of time. First of all, because the pool is so short, I don't have time to get much done with fins on before I am turning around. Second, I a fairly good technical swimmer. Heck, I used to teach swim lessons. I'm not saying I'm great, but a lot of these drills were a bit too basic. I pictured them being better for someone who has trouble breathing to the side or lifts their head out of the water or etc. The stroke drills are helpful drills that I used to do when I swam, but I guess they just stunk today because by then I wasn't feeling so good. We'll see - I hope future swim workouts on the training program are better.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Part II of Day 3

45 minutes on a stationary bike of steady state riding is boring. That's what I have to say about that. Yesterday after work I headed to the gym to do just that, but I had no iPod, no Dave the Bike Guy to keep me company, no Today Show or equally entertaining tv, nothing. Just boredom. Despite that, it was a good, sweat-inducing, low intensity workout.

Today is a much appreciated rest day. It felt to get up this morning and get ready for work at the house, instead of at the gym. Very relaxing and I feel good at work today.

Exciting news - spring weather has arrived and I can wear clothes that I haven't worn since the Summer 07 season. It is such a nice reward. I think I've lost about 6-8 lbs from my all-time high that I reached during this passed year. I'd say that I have another 10 lbs of fat that I'd like to take off, but if my body keeps changing without taking off the pounds, I'm ok with that too. I can definitely feel a change in my shape and I certainly feel healthier. I know well enough that the numbers won't change super fast these days, especially as I continue to develop muscle. I'm just happy because my clothes are fitting better and it takes a lot more to get me to huff and puff these days!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Part I of Day 3

Well - the first snag arrived during official training - my special talent of wasting time in the morning and rain making the interstates in my wonderful big midwest city turn into parking lots. Seriously, I don't get it. It was light rain, sprinkles, intermittent rain drops. It was not a pouring rain that would make Noah pull out his ark. I don't understand why people have to brake every 3 feet when there is a little bit of rain.

Needless to say, I got to the gym late this morning. So I really only had 20 minutes. I was supposed to do a 45 minute bike ride and a lifting session. I decided that I would use my 20 minutes for the lifting session, which worked out perfectly. Unfortunately I have to go back to the gym after work to get in my bike ride. Not particularly happy about that, but I guess that's the way it goes. I would just put it off until tomorrow, but tomorrow is supposed to be my off day and I'm ready for one. So - biking at the gym tonight is the way it goes.

Lifting this morning:
1 set of 12 reps:
shoulder shrugs - 15
bicep curls - 12
lat pull-down - 60
wrist curls - 12
shoulder squeeze - 8 (yeah - I know that's a terrible name, but its the best I've got right now)
planks - all sides - 20 sec
crunches - 40
knee pull ups

oh - I just remembered that I was supposed to do pushups. Oh well

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So far so good

Well, day 2 of the official training plan has arrived and my first two workouts were great. I was always good at doing my homework growing up, and having a training plan is kinda like doing homework. If you tell me that I'm supposed to do it and that I'll be able to pass the "test" because of doing it, then sign me up. I'll do it. I follow the rules. Basically, I'm a nerd. But once again, being a nerd is helping me get where I want to go.

Yesterday I hit the pool for my first official workout. These workouts are definitely longer than the ones I've been doing, but I think I have enough base work to keep up with them. Before hitting the pool, I did some strength training: 1 set of 12 reps of leg press (160 lbs), leg curls (50 lbs), leg extensions (50 lbs), and single-leg calf raises. I was supposed to do planks, but I forgot. Opps!! Then I jumped in the pool and I did a 10 minute warm-up alternating between 100 yd freestyle and 100 yd breastroke. I did about 300 yd total (remember I can't keep count of laps, which means they are always going to be approximate). Then I did 10 minutes of kick, alternating again between 100 yd freestyle and 100 yd about 100 yd breastroke. Total it was about 250 yd of kick. Then I was supposed to do 20 minutes of freestyle, stopping as needed. Although I technically could have have swam for 20 minutes straight without needing to stop, I took a 30 sec break every 5 minutes. I was able to squeeze in about 750 yds into the 20 minutes. Then I did a 5 min cool down of random stuff (ie: no specific stroke). Total duration: 45 minutes.

Today was a running day. Definitely a more intense running workout than I've done in a very long time. I'm tired now, and definitely ticked that the new kind of instant oatmeal that I brought to work with me is so disgusting that I wouldn't feed it to my dog, if I had one. So hungry. Total duration of active time 46 minutes. First I did a 5 minute walk/jog. I was supposed to incorporate pylometrics into this, but 1) not really sure what they are, 2) pretty sure I would looking like a super big dork doing them, 3) do not think it is possible on the treadmill without risking life or limb. I ended the jog around a 4.7. Then I climbed off and stretched the legs for just a few minutes. Then back on the treadmill. I was supposed to do 30-45 minutes of fartleks. Definitely not ready for 45 minutes, so I stuck with the 30 minute session, plus I didn't have time for 45 minutes. I picked 4.7 as a base running pace. This is was lower than a pace that I would pick for steady state running, but I figured it would be a good recovery rate. Then I kept upping the speed until I was huffing and puffing. Usually I would get up to about a 6.5 or 6.7 over about 5 to 7 minutes and then I would head back down to the 4.7 to recover. Overall I was pleased with how it went, and how well my knee held up. Oh - I have been trying to do all my treadmill running at a 1.0 incline, b/c I've read that 0 incline is actually easier than running outside, and that 1.0 incline is more like outside conditions.

Note on knee: I think that my knee hurts more when I am not adequately warmed up or when my knee gets cold during a workout, especially if it is rainy. Not sure if this is true, but I am positive the cold doesn't help it.

UPDATE - I just looked at the training schedule. Today's running workout was supposed to be "low" intensity. Running is never a low intensity workout for me - at least not in years. Power walking is low intensity. Maybe by the time the triathlon arrives I'll be able to run (not just walk) for 30 min and call it low intensity, but I doubt it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Training Officially Begins Today!

Over the weekend, Hubs and I went to the in-laws house for one last visit before our big move out East, which is quickly approaching. Before we headed out there on Saturday, we hit the gym. Hubs was doing a quick 20 minute workout, so I decided to do a straight swim without rest, etc. I was able to to do 1/2 mile in the 20 minute period, which made me pretty happy, especially b/c I was not working very hard. I am really hoping to get my time down closer to 15 minutes in the pool.

Sunday, my mother-in-law and I went on a nice long bike ride - 17 miles. She is an avid rider and is getting ready for a big bike trip in two weeks with her sister and some friends. They will do a couple days of 40 miles/day on average. So for her, 17 miles is a short ride, but it was plenty long for me. Those rides really wipe me out afterwards. Luckily, it was a beautiful day with clear skies and great temperatures. There was only one little patch of tough wind, but otherwise it was a great ride. About 7 miles was on a paved path and the other 10 miles was on crushed limestone. I can't believe how much tougher crushed limestone is. Your body gets tired just from the constant vibrations. It felt good to get back on pavement after 10 miles of bumpiness.

This evening when I get off work, I am headed to the gym to do my first workout from the triathlon training plan. I'll be in the pool - the workout says to do 10 min warm-up, 10 min kick, 20 min freestyle, stopping as needed, and 5 min cool down. Plus, I am supposed to do some strength training. I'll report back tomorrow and let you know how it goes!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Life Happens

Last night Hubs and I had a great night out together. We just did some shopping - for my bike and for our new home that we are still in the process of purchasing. Hubs came and met me when I got off work and we left one of our cars in the lot at work. Unfortunately, we forgot to pick up the car on the way home last night, which meant that I was without a car for the gym this morning. So even though I popped out of bed this morning after a good night of sleep and put on my swimsuit - I wasn't going to be doing any swimming. When I remembered that I had no car and was going to be taking the train to work - I simply did some simple stretching for a while. It felt good, even if it wasn't really a workout.

In other news - the Statute of Liberty is re-opening on the 4th of July! I'd like to think it is a little present to me for moving out to the East coast. I have always been totally enamored by the Statue of Liberty and I can't wait to go see her again!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back to Blogging

Ok - after being pestered by both my mom and sister, neither of whom or dedicated internet users / junkies, about the fact the I have been MIA from my blog - I'm back. I hope for good this time. Luckily my workouts haven't suffered nearly as much as my blogging.

The official triathlon training program starts on Monday (the 11th). The other day I started looking at it and reviewing the workouts. And then I started to panic! It is going to be intense. For a while there I was doing 4 days a week of mildly wimpy workouts. The program has me working out 6 days a week for, on average, at least 45 minutes. So I've upped my game a bit. Right now I am on pace for 6 days this week.

In a minute, I'll give a review of recent workouts, but first an update on my knee. Day-to-day my knee is ok, but it's far from 100%. Most days I have no pain, or just a little achiness on stairs. But when the knee hurts - it hurts! I am hoping that it stays at this level of pain, which is manageable and I think safe, even when I start upping the intensity level and duration of workouts.

Here's some recent workouts -

Saturday - 35 minute run outside. It was really my first run outside since I've been training. It went pretty well, especially considering how windy it was on the lakefront. I think I did 3 miles, maybe not quite. The time included a minute or two stop at the turn around. I will say that my knee was not happy by the end of the run, but it seemed to recover pretty well and gave me no problems during my Sunday workout.

Sunday - 50-55 min bike ride on lakefront path. About 9.5-10 miles. GREAT ride. I heart my bike so much. It was pretty busy on the path considering it was Sunday morning around 9am. So the ride included the usual weaving and slamming on brakes, but it was a great ride. Nice even heart rate, no heavy breathing, and a decent time. My hands/wrists get sore though - so I think I am going to get some of those fingerless gloves. I also need some padded bike shorts, once I start getting over an hour on the bike. Plus I need a water bottle for my bike. And it would probably be nice to get a little storage pouch for under the seat to carry items like a cell phone, etc with me. Oh - how the things seem to add up! -- Speaking of the bike - I also need to change out my standard pedals with the cages that I had put on my old mountain bike a couple years ago. I think that will be a nice addition.

Monday - 40 minutes of pool time - including lots of kick, some arms-only, regular free style, and some treading of water. The pool finally was a decent temp, and it felt good to get back in the water because it had been a couple weeks since I had a good swim in decent water temps. Unfortunately I was wiped out for the rest of the day. Totally 110% exhausted. I crashed when I got home from work that night.

Tuesday - 25 min on the stationary bike. I was totally running late on Tuesday - but at least I squeezed a little workout in. Better than nothing - right?

Wednesday - I took the day off. I had planned to take today, Thursday, off, but I didn't sleep well. When I hit the snooze, apparently I turned off the alarm, so I woke up too late to workout, and didn't feel very good last night.

Today/Thursday - 35 minutes on the treadmill. 1.0 incline
5 minutes warm up
1 minute at 4.0
2 at 5.0
1 min. at 4.0
2 at 5.1
1 min at 4.0
2 at 5.2
1 min at 4.0
2 at 5.3
etc... up to 5.7. followed by 1 min at 4.0 and then a 5 minute cool down.

Great workout - very pleased with it, and my knee feels good.

Hopefully - I'll be back tomorrow!